Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 150 Years of First Battalion the Fourth Gorkha Rifles (click for stamp information)
150 Years of First Battalion the Fourth Gorkha Rifles (click for stamp information)
150 Years of First Battalion the Fourth Gorkha Rifles (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150 Years of First Battalion the Fourth Gorkha Rifles (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
27 November 2007

The fourth Gorkha Rifles has a 150 year long history of valour, glory and selfless service.


Raised as an "Extra Regiment" at Pithoragarh on 6th August 1857 under the Command of Lt. D. Macintyre, it was the last battalion to be raised by the East India Company's rule in India. The transportation from a 'Young Regiment' to seasoned campaigner did not take long as the Regiment proved its mettle during 1st and 2nd Afghan Wars. The  Regimental Centre is located at Subathu since 1953. At present, the Regiment has five battalions.


Before independence, only British Officers were posted in the Gorkha Regiments. Brig. Moti Sagar had the honour of becoming the first Indian Colonel of the Regiment after the superannuation of Gen. Lentaigne in 1955.


The Regiment and its affiliated Rashtriya Rifles battalion continue to excel in all spheres of military activity. To cite a few instances, the First Battalion spearheaded the operation for relief of the garrison at 'Punch'. The Second Battalion along with 2 Grenadiers captured Gurais and Kanzalwan, thus sealing the enemy's route into the Kashmir valley from the north. The 1962 Chinese aggression saw the Third Battalion operating in Ladakh and the First being rushed to NEFA. The two battalions of the Regiment saw action in 1965 lndo-Pak War. The First, Second and Third battalions of the regiment saw action in western front in J&K. The magnificent fight put up by the Third battalion on the highest battlefield of the World, inflicting heavy causalities on the enemy; and defeating its attacks is a glorious chapter in the history of the Regiment and the Indian Army. All battalions of the Regiment have over a period of time been actively involved in counter insurgency operations in the North Eastern States, J&K and Punjab.


Second Battalion had the distinction of participating in United Nation Interim Force in Lebanon as the first Indian battalion.


Lt. Col. Puran Bahadur Thapa of Third Battalion represented the country in football at the Melbourne Olympics. Sub Dhan Bahadur of Fifth battalion distinguished himself by winning the Silver medal in the Asian Boxing Championship, Bronze medal at SAF games at Dacca in 1985 and a Braze medal at Seoul, Asian Games in 1987.


The Regiment has the distinction of providing large number of Senior Officers who have held prestigious appointments in the Indian Army, a matter of pride for a small Regiment, comprising only five battalions.


The Department of post is proud to release a postage stamp to commemorate the 150th raising day of the First Battalion the Fourth Gorkha Rifles.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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