Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 Shankarrao Baurao Chavan (click for stamp information)
Shankarrao Baurao Chavan (click for stamp information)
Shankarrao Baurao Chavan (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Shankarrao Baurao Chavan (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
17 December 2007

Shri Shankarrao Bhaurao Chavan was an eminent political personality, an outstanding parliamentarian and an able administrator. Born to Shri Bhaurao Chavan and Shrimati Laxmibai Chavan at Paithan in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra on 14th July 1920, Shri Chavan graduated from Madras University. He got a Law degree from Osmania University. Shri Chavan participated in the freedom struggle in erstwhile Hyderabad state right from his student days and gave up practice during the Quit Court Movement there.


Known as 'Marathwadyache Shilpkar', Shri S.B. Chavan was also associated with various social and educational organizations. He was chancellor of the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, a deemed University, in Pune. He also served as Chairman of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.


Shri S.B. Chavan had a long and distinguished political career starting with member of the Bombay State Legislative Council in 1956. In 1957, he was elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly and remained a member of that Assembly till 1980. He was again elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Council in 1986 and remained a member of it till 1988. Shri Chavan held the office of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra twice, from 1975 to 1977 and again fourh March 1986 to June 1988. He was also a Member of the Seventh and the Eighth Lok Sabha. He represented the State of Maharashtra in Rajya Sabha for three terms, from October 1988 to April 1990, April 1990 to April 1996 and again from April1996 toApril2002. He was the Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha from July 1991 to May 1996. He was Chairman of the Committee on Human Resource Development from 1996 to 2002 and was also Chairman of the Ethics Committee from 1997 to 2002.


Shri S.B. Chavan served as a Cabinet Minister for several years  holding   the  portfolios of Education, Culture and Social Welfare, External Affairs, Defence, Home Affairs and Finance. As the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India from August 1981 to July 1984, he provided impetus to the development process.


He  was  also  known  for  his  contribution   in irrigation  projects  like  Jaikwadi   Prakalp  at  Paithan, Vishnupuri Prakalp and Upper Painganga Prakalp.


Shri  S.B.  Chavan  passed  away  on  the  26th February, 2004, at the age of 84 years.


The Department of Posts is pleased to release a commemorative postage stamp on Shri S.B. Chavan.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
0.4 Mill

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