Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2008 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Boys High School, Bangalore (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Boys High School, Bangalore (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Boys High School, Bangalore (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Boys High School, Bangalore (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
28 November 2008

As early as 1841 Bishop Bonnaud planned to start a Catholic High School in Bangalore. This  proposal  took concrete shape only in 1850 when the priests of the Missions Estrangers de Paris (MEP) bought a plot of land for a sum of Rs.1000/- at St. Johns Hill, Bangalore, Fr. Bouteloup had a house constructed in 1854 at a cost of Rs.3000/- and this was named St. Joseph's Seminary.


The Madras University was established in 1858 and hence boarders could be admitted to prepare for the matriculation examination of the Madras University. It was decided to open a School for Europeans as well as for Indian pupils. This was the beginning of St. Joseph's College. In the nomenclature of the day, in European usage a college was what we now call today as a high school.


St. Joseph's School, at Bangalore was founded in 1865, offered to European and Anglo-Indian families the means of securing for their children the advantage of a liberal education. Greatest care was taken to impart to the pupils a sound moral training, to improve their minds to cultivate in them gentlemanly manners and habits of regularity and cleanliness, in short, to prepare them for the duties of their future. Great attention is also paid to physical training and games.


Two large and open play-grounds belonging to the School afforded ample space for cricket, football, hockey, tennis, badminton and other games and exercises. One of the grounds was situated in the School premises. The School takes great care to impart a sound moral training to improve their minds. Great attention is also paid to physical training and games. The School possessed a Cadet Platoon and a Boy Scouts' Troop. There is a Debating and Literary Society for the Boys of Standards IX and VIII. Once a month a lantern lecture is given to them on educational topics.


The School buildings are spacious and well ventilated, are situated in the center of the European quarter of the Town, between Museum Road and Residency Road.


The Course of Studies embraced the subjects required for the Government High and Middle School Examinations, and for the Cambridge  School Certificate, Junior and Preliminary Examinations. The School was recognized by the Cambridge University, and Senior Candidates could obtain Certificate  A.


In 1923, St. Joseph's College was separated from the school. By 1923, there were three institutions namely, St. Joseph's School, St. Joseph's College and St. Joseph's Indian School.


In 1958, the St. Joseph's School celebrated its Centenary. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India attended the function. St. Joseph 's European High School was changed to St. Joseph's Boys' High School only in 1968.


In 2001, the foundation stone was laid, and the new building was established in three phases. In 2002, the Western Wing, in 2003 the Eastern Wing and in 2006, the Central Administrative Block were inaugurated.


Broad Band, LCD TVs in all the Class rooms, the P.A. system, state-of-the -art laboratories and research and reference facilities etc., are available. Girls too were taken into standards XI and XII for the first time. Today, St. Joseph's Boys' High School stands as a giant of Education which provides world-class education.


St. Joseph's Boys' High School is a school which prepares men and women who will give themselves in service to the others, to strive for excellence and not just competitiveness. Faith and toil is the motto of the School.


India Post is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on St. Joseph's Boys' High School.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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