Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2009 Maharaja Gulab Singh Commemoration (click for stamp information)
Maharaja Gulab Singh Commemoration (click for stamp information)
Maharaja Gulab Singh Commemoration (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Maharaja Gulab Singh Commemoration (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
21 October 2009

Maharaja Gulab Singh, the founder of the state of Jammu & Kashmir. He was born on October 21, 1792. His father, Mian Kishore Singh, held a Jagir at Andarwah near Jammu. His young days were moulded by the stern hand of his grandfather who trained him in all martial arts.


Maharaja Gulab Singh is recognized as the only ruler in India's long history who could be said to have extended the geographical boundaries of India. His conquest and annexation of Ladakh is an achievement which makes his name immortal in the history of India.


On taking up the reins of administration, he ruthlessly put down crime and corruption, and succeeded in establishing peace and settled government. He made trade and commerce safe for all.


The efficiency, contentment, and training of his forces were always matters of deep concern to him. Instead of imitating the British, he organized the army in his own way. Foundries and arsenals were established, forts were repaired and garrisoned. Hill levies were organized into regiments, and a code of military instructions and orders was drawn up. The military efficiency of his force was recognized by all observers and stood the test or remarkable campaigns which will  remain enshrined in the annals of military history.


During his reign, Maharaja Gulab Singh, unified and welded together his kingdom and devoted his energies wholeheartedly to its all round development.


He ruled upto 20th February, 1856, when in a unique act, he himself abdicated in favour of his son and made him a ceremonial offering as one of his subjects.


Dr. K.M. Pannikar, the famous historian, writes, "Thus, when everything is considered, Gulab Singh will appear as one of the few great Indian figures of the nineteenth century, one who in his ambition even as a youth dreamed of states and kingdoms, whose iron will neither domestic calamity nor personal humiliation could bend, and whose  physical and moral courage, tried on many a battlefield  and many a crisis, won for him a throne and a place in the Valhalla of India's great men. The present Jammu & Kashmir state is his monument. As long as that exists his name will have a place in the memory of Men".


The Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Maharaja Gulab Singh.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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