Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2010 Chandra Shekhar (click for stamp information)
Chandra Shekhar (click for stamp information)
Chandra Shekhar (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Chandra Shekhar (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
17 April 2010

Chandra Shekhar, was born on 01.07.1927 in village lbrahimpatti in District Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, in a farmer's family. After his Master's degree in Political Science from Allahabad University, he abandoned his pursuit for a doctoral degree and joined the socialist movement in the early 1950s. He was closely associated with Acharya Narendra Dev, doyen of the Indian Socialist Movement and was appointed as General Secretary of the U.P. State Praja Socialist Party in 1955-56.


In 1962, Chandra Shekhar was elected to the Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh. He joined the Indian National Congress in 1965 and became the General Secretary of the Congress Parliamentary Party in 1967. He had great concern for the downtrodden and espoused their cause. He opposed disproportionate growth of monopoly houses with State  patronage and wanted rapid social changes. Courage, conviction and integrity were his forte. He founded and edited a weekly magazine called "Young Indian" in 1969. The purposeful editorials on political, social and economic issues of India were oft quoted and appreciated by all.


His passion for principles, faith in democratic norms and innate respect for the parliamentary system made him one of the greatest parliamentarians of his times. His commitment and sincerity of purpose for safeguarding secularism and a pluralistic ethos were amply demonstrated by his numerous actions and pronouncements in Parliament. In recognition of ' his distinguished service, he was honoured with the Outstanding Parliamentarian Award in 1995. He had even undergone imprisonment during the period of Emergency.


Chandra Shekhar always stood against personality­ based politics and divisive forces. There were many occasions when his leadership qualities came to the fore. It was he who was chosen to lead the Janata Party following the lifting of Emergency and when General Elections were held in 1977. He also held the reins of office as Prime Minister for a short period in 1990. Shri R Venkataraman, the then President  of India, acknowledged that "as Prime Minister, he displayed fine qualities of objectivity, sobriety, willingness to listen to criticism and dignity in conducting the affairs of the high office".


Chandra Shekhar undertook a marathon walk (Padayatra) from Kanya Kumari in the deep South to Rajghat in New Delhi covering a distance on nearly 4,260 Kms from 06 January 1983 to 25 June 1983. The Padayatra was a high point in his political career as it helped him renew his rapport with the masses and understand their problems. He established Bharat Yatra Centres in various part of the country to train social and political workers for mass education and grass root work in backward areas of the country.


Chandra Shekhar will also be remembered for his contribution to the India's Industrial policy, the high point of which was the nationalization of fourteen private scheduled commercial banks. Chandra Shekhar remained a member of the Lok Sabha till his death on 08 July 2007.


India Post is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Chandra Shekhar.



Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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