Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2011 Vitthal Sakharam Page (click for stamp information)
Vitthal Sakharam Page (click for stamp information)
Vitthal Sakharam Page (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Vitthal Sakharam Page (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
21 July 2011

Vitthal Sakharam Page was born on 21" July 1910 at Bagani in Satara District of Maharashtra. After his graduation, he completed his L.L.B., degree from Mumbai University. His long career covered economics, politics, education, religion, philosophy, literature, social service, culture etc. He also took part in the freedom movement and had underwent imprisonment.

He was elected to the Bombay legislative Council successively in 1952 and 1954 and to the Maharashtra Legislative council in 1960,1966, and 1972 and was its Chairman from 1960 to 1978. During this period he was also Joint President of the Maharashtra Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. He made valuable contribution to various fields of public life. He was a prominent and leading member of several important Committees, Boards and Institutions. He was a veteran Gandhian Congress leader. He was Secretary and President of Sangli District Congress Committee and member of All India Congress Committee.

In  1965,  he  formulated  the  Integrated  Area Development Scheme, popularly known as "Page Scheme" for the integrated development of village areas and the amelioration of small land holders, traditional artisans and agricultural labourers. In 1949, when the Constitution of India was being drafted, he wrote an article "Rojgaracha Hakk" (Right to Employment) and demanded employment guarantee as a fundamental right. In 1969, he persuaded the Government of Maharashtra to implement an employment guarantee scheme on a pilot basis in village Visapur in Sangli District, an unparalleled contribution for the upliftment of weaker sections.

In 1977, the State Legislature of Maharashtra adopted Employment Guarantee Act and passed it unanimously. His life mission was to see that this Scheme is implemented in the entire nation. As Chairman of the Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Board,  he implemented the Employment Guarantee Scheme for rejuvenating the age-old traditional village industries and to provide employment to the unemployed village artisans.

His vast knowledge and experience in the field of Parliamentary practice was effectively utilised by the Union Government. He was honoured with "Dalit Mitra" and Nyayaratha Ramshastri Prabhune Puraskar and regarded as "Father of Employment Guarantee Scheme". Shri Page was a deeply religious and spiritual person. He authored a few books in Marathi and English mainly on philosophical and religious subjects.

He had visited U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Japan and U. S. S. R representing the Commonwealth parliamentary Association, Maharashtra Branch. He passed away on 16th March 1990.

Indian Post is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Vitthal Sakharam Page.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
0.3 Mill

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