Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2013 150th Year of Boy's High School and College, Allahabad (click for stamp information)
150th Year of Boy's High School and College, Allahabad (click for stamp information)
150th Year of Boy's High School and College, Allahabad (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150th Year of Boy's High School and College, Allahabad (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 November 2013

The Boys' High School founded on 5th November, 1861, is one of the oldest educational institutions of Allahabad located in the heart of the city. The school initially was run by English men and women who were keen to advance the cause of education in Allahabad, especially among the children of the European and Anglo-Indian descent. However, over the period of time, the school has rendered service to the people of Allahabad, irrespective of their caste, creed and colour. The members of this school live strongly by the motto "Mentem Hominis Spectato Non Frontem" that is, as Shakespeare would put it, "there's no art to find the mind's construction on the face."
Starting its classes from two long thatched hammock like buildings, the school has undergone several changes in terms of location, structure (physical and academic), and status. At its inception, Greek, Latin and French languages were regular features of the curriculum besides subjects like Arithmetic, Grammar, etc. The school is now affiliated to ISC Board and the students of the school have excelled in the field of education. The school has truly lived up to its promise and commitment of achieving the highest levels of excellence in the field of academics.
Apart from school curriculum the institution has also paid attention to extracurricular activities. The courses conducted for training in swimming and gymnastics are at par with national and international levels. The school has also maintained its old tradition of giving introductory training as a preparation for the armed forces. Today, the school has the distinction of sending a number of boys to the National Defence Academy. The alumni of Boys' High School, Allahabad have carved out a niche for themselves in judiciary, executive, legislative, defence forces, cinema and other fields.
Department of Posts is happy to commemorate the contribution of Boys’ High School, Allahabad in the field of education by issuing a Postage Stamp.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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