Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2014 National Council of Churches (click for stamp information)
National Council of Churches (click for stamp information)
National Council of Churches (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
National Council of Churches (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
25 April 2014

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) is an organization that stands for the united expression of the Protestant and Orthodox churches in India. It is a common platform for thought and action which brings together the Churches and related organizations for mutual consultation, assistance and action in all matters related to life and witness.

Ever since its formation in 1914, the National Missionary Council, as it was then called, was actively engaged in the service of the church, society and nation. Later responding to the need for a united, Indian face, the National Christian Council was formed in 1923.

The Council was restructured as the National Council of Churches in India in 1979. It has addressed concerns of liberation from social, economic and political oppression and injustice.

The NCCI, with its headquarters in Nagpur, continues to be a facilitator of inter-church togetherness and is committed to the well-being of the society. It has different Commissions such as the Commission on Justice, Peace & Creation, Commission on Dalits, Commission on Tribals & Adivasis, Commission on Policy, Governance & Public Witness, Commission on Youth, and Commission on Communication and Relations. It also has three autonomous bodies which are concerned with the emancipation and development of Women, facilitating inter religious dialogue and harmony and promoting social peace, and urban-rural concerns, particularly through Vidarbha Centre for Labour Concerns (VCLC).

The NCCI has 30 National Churches as its members. These churches have been committed to the service of the country through hundreds of educational schools and colleges, medical institutions like Christian Medical College & Hospital in Vellore and Ludhiana, and social service institutions such as orphanages, old people's homes, night shelters, ministries to people who are physically and mentally challenged, rescue homes etc. Christian organizations such as Bible Society of India (BSI), Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore College, National Council of YMCAs, YWCA of India, etc are also members of NCCI.

Department of Posts is happy to release a Commemorative Postage Stamp on National Council of Churches in India.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India


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