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27 February 1964
The Cancellation shows a picture of Trapogan; legend Tragopan Blythe's/ Kohima in Hindi & English; 27-2-64.
31 December 1968
20p, 50p, 1Re, 2Rs
The Cancellation shows a picture of Magpie; legend Indian Birds/ Bombay GPO in Hindi & English; 31-12-68.
03 June 1974
The Cancellation shows a picture of Egrets; legend Vedantangal in Hindi & English; 3 Jun 74.
28 April 1975
25, 50, 100, 200
The Cancellation shows a picture of Black-headed Oriole; legend Indian Birds/ Bombay in Hindi & English; 27-4-75.
02 December 1977
The Cancellation shows a picture of flamingo; legend Kodikkarai in Hindi & English; 2-12-77.
01 November 1980
The Cancellation shows a picture of Bustard; legend International Symposium on Bustards Jaipur/ Anna Road, Madras in Hindi & English; 1-11-80.
21 April 1988
The Cancellation shows a picture of Birds; legend Mohammad Iqbal/ Bombay in Hindi & English; 21-4-88.
15 September 1983
The Cancellation shows a picture of Pileated Woodpecker; legend Bombay Natural History Society/ Ahmedabad in Hindi & English; 15-9-83.
31 January 1985
The Cancellation shows a picture of Pigeon; legend Indira Gandhi Crusader for World Peace/ Madras in Hindi & English; 31-1-85.
06 October 2004
The Cancellation shows a picture of Pigeon; legend 50th Wildlife Week Celebration 2004/ Port Blair in Hindi & English; 02-10-04 to 08-10-04/ 744102/ 06-10-2004.
09 July 2010
The Cancellation shows a picture of Sparrows and Pigeons; legend Pigeon and Sparrow in Hindi & English;
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