INPEX-70 - Design-12
INPEX-70 - Design-12

Product Details
Product Name
INPEX-70 - Design-12
Issue Date
03 January 1971
2 1/2 a

The tomb of Sikandar Lodi is located in the southern-most side of the Lodi Gardens. It stands within an extensive walled enclosure, square in shape. It was built in 1517-18 A.D. by Ibrahim Lodi over the remains of his father, Sultan Sikandar Lodi. No kindly star shone over the kingdom of the Lodis, who throughout their 75 years’ rule had to fight for their existence. Their means were limited, and what their Mughal successors could afford by way of building a Humayun’s tomb or a Taj Mahal was certainly beyond their reach. The architecture of their period, the chief exponent of which was Sikandar Lodi, has, therefore, been sometimes described as “prosaic, simple, austere and formal”. Ordinary stone has gone into the making of the Lodi buildings, humble in contrast to the marble or red stone in which the Mughals delighted. The style is simple too. The Lodi buildings still have certain striking features.

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