Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
Product Details
Product Name
Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
Issue Date
03 March 1972
The Jehangir Art Gallery is an art gallery in Mumbai (India). It was founded by Sir Cowasji Jehangir at the urging of K. K. Hebbar and Homi Bhabha. It was built in 1952. Managed by the Committee of Management, the entire cost of this mansion was donated by Cowasji Jehangir.
The gallery was inaugurated on 21 January 1952, by then Chief Minister of Bombay State, B. G. Kher and dedicated it to the memory of Sir Cowasji’s late son, Jehangir.[1] A mammoth institution in itself, its history is linked with the renaissance of Indian art. The complex also has the popular cafe of Samovar, which is reminiscent of the 70's socialist culture. It also houses Natesans, the country's oldest licensed antique dealers. Entry is free.
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