Home Cards Bazar Post Cards Royalty Edward & Alexandra
Edward & Alexandra
Edward & Alexandra

The Edwardian era, which covered Edward's reign and was named after him, coincided with the start of a new century and heralded significant changes in technology and society, including powered flight and the rise of socialism.

In India, the National awakening was on the upsurge. By the turn of the century, signs of political unrest were beginning to emerge throughout India. The new radical direction of Indian nationalism in the Edwardian period was demonstrated by the rise of the wing of the Indian National Congress, spearheaded by Lokmanya Tilak and other national leaders. The boycott of British goods and the starting of Swadeshi Era with a credo of “ BE INDIAN – BUY INDIAN “started in the first decade of 20th century. This was ignited with the partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon (1899–1905), the Viceroy of India. The Indian nationalists saw the design behind partition and condemned it unanimously, starting the anti-partition and the Swadeshi movements.

Issue of Bazar Post Cards flourished during this period. It is the section of Indian Postal Stationery which has fascination and attraction to all levels of philatelists. In the Edwardian period (22 January 1901 to 6 May 1910) of philately, it had a meteoric rise and had deep impact on the Indian philatelic scene. It had a political overtone as these cards did carry pictures of Royalty. We find Bazar Post Cards with different pictures of Queen Victoria, Edward VII, Queen Alexandra and Viceroy Curzon with Mary Victoria.

Bazar Post Cards with pictures of British Monarchs and Royal official like Viceroy are presented here.

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King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
19 September 1904
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in oval frames - Yellow color - RO_KEDQ_T1-1
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
01 April 1923
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in oval frames - Light Magenta color - RO_KEDQ_T1-2
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
10 September 1905
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in oval frames - Brown color - RO_KEDQ_T1-3
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
29 January 1907
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in oval frames - Light Brown color - RO_KEDQ_T1-4
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
05 October 1906
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in oval frames - Brown color - RO_KEDQ_T1-5
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
24 April 1907
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Light Pink color - RO_KEDQ (Long Face)_T2-1
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
23 March 1905
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Light Pink color - RO_KEDQ (Long Face)_T2-2
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
10 February 1907
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Brown color - RO_KEDQ (Long Face)_T2-3
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
01 November 1905
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Brown color - RO_KEDQ (Broad Face)_T3-1
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
18 February 1905
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Green color - RO_KEDQ (Broad Face)_T3-2
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
09 September 1906
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Light Green color - RO_KEDQ (Broad Face)_T3-3
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra
10 January 1904
King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra in round frame - Magenta color - RO_KEDQ (Broad Face)_T3-4

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