Home Covers Combination Covers Different Places on FDC with same Stamp
Different Places on FDC with same Stamp
Different Places on FDC with same Stamp
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World Wrestling Championships 1967
12 November 1967
15p x 2
Here on this official cover, stamps of World Wrestling Championships dated 12-11-67 are combined and cancelled with official and Event Place P. O. Cancellation of same date.
Birth Anniversary of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani
25 November 1969
20p x 2
Here on this official cover, stamps of Sadhu Vaswani dated 25-11-69 are combined and cancelled on 25-11-1969 with cancellation of Bombay GPO and his Death Place Cancellation of Poona.
19th Death Centenary of St. Thomas (Apostle)
03 July 1973
20p x 3
Here on this official cover, stamps of St. Thomas (Apostle) dated 3-7-73 are combined and cancelled with official and Event Place P. O. Cancellation of same date.
Bicentenary of 16th Light Cavalry - Design-1
04 March 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of 16 Light Cavalry dated 4-3-76 are combined and cancelled with official and Special Place Cancellation of 4-3-76 of Avadi Tank Factory where this Vijayant Tank shown on stamp is manufactured.
Bicentenary of 16th Light Cavalry - Design-2
04 March 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of 16 Light Cavalry dated 4-3-76 are combined and cancelled with official and Special Place Cancellation of 4-3-76 of Arcot because this Regiment was raised prior to 1776 as the 3rd Regiment of Native Cavalry in the service of the Nawab of Arcot.
Bicentenary of 16th Light Cavalry - Design-3
04 March 1976
25 x 3
Here on this official cover, stamps of 16 Light Cavalry dated 4-3-76 are combined and cancelled with official and Special Place Cancellation of 4-3-76 of Arcot because this Regiment was raised prior to 1776 as the 3rd Regiment of Native Cavalry in the service of the Nawab of Arcot.
Alexander Graham Bell
10 March 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of Alexander Graham Bell dated 10-3-76 are combined and cancelled with Official and Doorvani Nagar (Telephone Exchange). As Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone, the Combination is made with Doorvani Nagar cancellation.
Birth Bicentenary of Mathuswami Dikshitar
18 March 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of Muthuswami Dikshitar dated 18-3-76 are combined and cancelled with Tiruvarur, his Birth Place Cancellation with Ettaiyapuram, his work Place Cancellation.
Salute to the Heroes
15 August 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of Param Vir Chakra dated 15-8-76 are combined and cancelled with 99 A.P.O. cancellation and 2 Central Base Post Office, Phialtelic Bureau cancellation.
Voluntary Blood Donation
01 October 1976
Here on this official cover, stamps of Voluntary Blood Donation dated 1-10-76 are combined and cancelled with official cancellation of 1-10-1976 and another 1-10-1978 Cancellation of Blood Donation Day with Slogan " Donate Blood Save Life " on the same stamp.
Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur
01 December 1976
Here on this official cover, stamp of Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur dated 10-2-76 is combined with the same stamp of Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur and cancelled with Vedangal Bird Sanctuary on 1-12-1976. Both Bird Sanctaries have Spoon Biil, Cranes etc. The cancellations and cachet on cover show these birds.
Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya
14 April 1977
Here on this official cover, stamps of Vallabhacharya dated 14-4-77 are combined and cancelled with cancellations of Goverdhan, Gokul and Mathura. All the three places are associated with Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya.

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