Home Covers Combination Covers FDC with different stamps issued on same Date
FDC with different stamps issued on same Date
FDC with different stamps issued on same Date
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Birth Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi
02 October 1969
1 1/2 a, 20p, 75p
Here on this official cover, stamp of First Anniversary of Independence dated 15-8-1948 is combined with stamps of Birth Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi issued on 2-10-1969 with cancellations of respective dates. Though all stamps are issued on different subjects, they are issued on 2-10-1969 as their theme is associated with that date.
Birth Centenary of Sri Aurobindo
15 August 1972
20p x 3
Here on this official cover, stamp of Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary dated 15-8-72 is combined with stamps of Greetings to our Forces issued on 15-8-72 & 25th Anniversary of Independence issued on 15-8-72 with cancellations of respective dates. Though all stamps are issued on different subjects, they are issued on 15th August 1972 as their theme is associated with that date.
Swatantra Bharat
15 August 1997
Here on this official cover, stamp of Swatantra Bharat dated 15-8-97 is combined and cancelled with stamp of 50 Years of Independence issued on 15-8-97. Both cancellations are of 15th August. Both have common touch of India's Independence.
Sri Ramana Maharshi
14 April 1998
20p, 200
Here on this official cover, stamp of Sri Ramana Maharshi dated 14-4-1971 is combined with stamps of Sri Ramana Maharshi issued on 14-4-1998 with cancellations of respective dates.

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