Home Covers Combination Covers Occasions & Events Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett and 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park (U.P.)
Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett and 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park (U.P.)
Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett and 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park (U.P.)

Product Details
Product Name
Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett and 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park (U.P.)
Issue Date
24 January 1976
25, 100

India Post has issued different stamps on same or similar subject on different Occasions and Events. The collectors with creativity have made covers with combination of  stamps of such similar Occasions and Events duly cancelled on respective dates. Such covers show the creative efforts of the philatelists.

Here on this official cover, stamp of Jim Corbett Centenary dated 24-1-76 and  stamp of 50 years of Corbett National Park issued on 15-12-86 are combined on one cover of 24-1-76 with cancellations of respective dates. Jim Corbett was the hunter and Naturalist who killed man-eating tigers to save human lives. Stamp showing Tiger is of Jim Corbett's Birth Centenary. Corbett National Park was established in 1936. The other stamp is of 50 years of Corbett National Park.


Denomination : (1) 25 (24-1-76 - Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett - Naturalist & Writer) (2) 100
(15-12-86 - 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park with pictures of Tiger and Indian Elephant

Cancellations : (1) Legend Jim Corbett Centenary / Ahmedabad in Hindi & English; 24-1-76 (2) Legend 50 years of Corbett National Park / Ahmedabad in Hindi & English; 15-12-86

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