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Inauguration of Gauhati Oil Refinery and Centenary of Indian Oil Production
01 January 1962
15np, 60
Combination is of an event of Inauguration Gauhati Oil Refinery and Occasion of Hundred Years of Oil Exploration.
India's Hockey Victory in 5th Asian Games, Bangkok and  XX Olympic Games, Munich
31 December 1966
15p, 20p
Combination is of two Sport events showing two stamps with pictures of Hockey Play.
World Wrestling Championships, New Delhi and XIX Olympic Games, Mexico City
12 November 1967
20p x 2
Here the combination of two Sport events are done on this cover.
XIX Olympic Games, Mexico City and XX Olympic Games, Munich
12 October 1968
Combination is of two Olympic Events.
XIX Olympic Games, Mexico City and XX Olympic Games, Munich
12 October 1968
20p x 2, Re 1, Rs 1.45
Combination is of two Olympic Events.
First Triennale, New Delhi and 6th Triennale Art Exhibition
31 March 1968
15p, 100
It is the combination of two occasions of 1st and 6th Triennale Art Exhibition of India.
15th Anniversary of Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi and 25th Anniversary of Indian Mountaineering Foundation
15 May 1973
20p, 200
It is the combination of 15th and 25th Anniversay of Indian Mountaneering Foundation.
Birth Centenary of Edward James Corbett and 50th Anniversary of Corbett National Park (U.P.)
24 January 1976
25, 100
Both occasions have Jim Corbett in reference. Hence the combined cover is made.
5th General Assembly of World Tourism Organisation, New Delhi and Bharat Paryatan Diwas (India Tourism Day)
03 October 1983
200, 1000
Tourism Organization and Tourism Day are the related themes. They are combined on this cover.
150th Anniversary of The Times of India and 175 Years of The Times of India
03 November 1988
150, 500x2
Both occasions have The Times of India in reference. Hence the combined cover is made.
Silver Jubilee of Service of Bhakra Dam
15 December 1988
60, 500
Combination is of two events showing two stamps with pictures of Dam.
75 Years of Indian Cinema and 100 Years of Indian Cinema
30 May 1989
60, 500
It is the combination of 75th and 100th Years of Indian Cinema.

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