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Kalidasa (Poet and Dramatist)
22 June 1960
15np, Rs. 1.03
Here on this official cover, stamps of Kalidasa dated 22-6-60 and Kalidasa dated 2-2-63 with changed denomination are combined and cancelled with respective cancellations.
World Hindi Convention, Nagpur and World Telugu Conference, Hyderabad
10 January 1975
Here on this official cover, stamps of World Hindi Convention dated 10-1-75 and World Telugu Conference dated 12-4-75 are combined with respective cancellations. Both stamps show the same 12th Century sculpture of Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of Language and Learning) in Pink and Green background respectively.
XV International Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi and Child Health
23 October 1977
20, 200
Here on this official cover, stamps of XV International Congress of Pediatrics dated 23-10-77 and Child Health dated 25-3-81 are combined with respective cancellations. Pictures on both the stamps are have similar subject of Mother & Child.
Sixth Definitive Series (Hybrid Cotton)
17 June 1980
Here on this official cover, stamps of Hybrid Cotton dated 17-6-1980 and Hybrid Cotton dated 10-11-1983 are combined with respective cancellations.
Sixth Definitive Series (Handloom Weaving)
07 December 1980
Here on this official cover, stamps of Handloom Weaving dated 7-12-1980 and Handloom Weaving dated 10-11-1983 are combined with respective cancellations.
Sixth Definitive Series (Oranges)
28 December 1982
Here on this official cover, stamps of Oranges dated 28-12-1982 and Oranges dated 12-8-1985 are combined with respective cancellations.
President's Fleet Review, Visakhapatnam
12 February 2006
Same denomination of same stamps with different sizes are combined & cancelled on the same cover.

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