Combination Covers
Similar/related themes with later cancellation

Similar/related themes with later cancellation
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07 May 1961
12a, 15np
Here on this official cover, stamp of Rabindranath Tagore issued with a photo of Rabindranath Tagore dated 1-10-52 is combined with stamp of Rabindranath Tagore issued on 7-5-61 with one single cancellation of later date 7-5-61.
08 May 1963
15np x 2
Here on this official cover, stamp of Red Cross Conference issued with a photo of Henri Dunant dated 28-10-57 is combined with stamp of Henri Dunant issued on 8-5-63 with one single cancellation of later date 8-5-63. The common subject in these stamps is Red Cross & Henri Dunant.
22 February 1964
1 1/2a. 15np
Here on this official cover, stamp of Gandhi Mourning Issue issued with a photo of Gandhi dated 15-8-48 is combined with stamp of Kasturba issued on 22-2-64 with one single cancellation of later date 22-2-64. Both were husband and wife.
07 January 1965
15np, 0.15
Here on this cover stamp of Golden Jubilee of Steel Industry in India issued with a photo of Jamsetji Tata dated 1-3-58 is combined with stamp of Jamsetji Tata issued on 7-1-65 with one single cancellation of later date 7-1-65. Jamsetji Tata was founder of Steel Industry in India.
28 January 1965
2a, 15np, 0.15
All the three viz. Tilak in Bombay, Bipin Chandra Pal in Bengal and Lala Lajpat Rai in Punjab were Indian nationalists. They were referred to as the “Lal-Bal-Pal triumvirate”.
17 May 1965
Here on this official cover, stamp of ISO issued with a photo of ISO Emblem & Globe dated
9-11-64 is combined with stamps of International Geological Congress issued on 14-12-64 and Centenary of International Telecommunication Union issued on 17-5-65 with one single cancellation of later date 17-5-65. The common subject in all the three is they all are 'International' in nature.
27 May 1965
Here on this official cover, stamp of Nehru Mourning Issue issued with a photo of Nehru dated 12-6-64 is combined with stamps of National Children's Day issued on 14-11-64 & First Death Anniversary of Nehru issued on 27-5-65 with one single cancellation of later date 27-5-65.
15 August 1965
2a, 0.15
Here on this official cover, stamp of Mount Everest issued with a photo of Mount Everest dated 2-10-53 is combined with stamp of Indian Mount Everest Expedition issued on 15-8-1965 with one single cancellation of later date 15-8-65. The subject of both stamps is Mount Everest - Conquest & Expidition.
26 January 1966
Here on this official cover, stamp of Jawaharlal Nehru issued with a photo of Nehru dated
12-6-64 is combined with stamp of Lal Bahadur Shastri issued on 26-1-66 with one single cancellation of later date 26-1-66. The common subject on both the stamps is that they both were Prime Ministers of India.
05 November 1970
15np x 2, 20p
Here on this official cover, stamp of Red Cross Conference issued with a photo of Henri Dunant dated 28-10-57 is combined with stamps of Henri Dunant issued on 8-5-63 & 50th Anniversary of Indian Red Cross Society 5-11-70 with one single cancellation of later date 5-11-70. The common subject in these stamps is Red Cross & Henri Dunant.
02 June 1974
15np, 25p
Here on this official cover, stamp of Chhatrapati Shivaji issued with a photo of Chhatrapati Shivaji dated 17-4-61 is combined with stamp of Chhatrapati Shivaji issued on 2-6-74 with one single cancellation of later date 2-6-74. The common subject on both the stamps is Shivaji.
05 March 1997
200, 500
Here on this official cover, stamp of Dnyaneshwari issued with a photo of Dnyaneshwari dated 31-12-90 is combined with stamp of Saint Dnyaneshwawr issued on 5-3-97 with one single cancellation of later date 5-3-97. The common subject on both the stamps is that one is the Book and other is the Author of the book.
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