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Freedom from Hunger - Design-1
21 March 1963
15np x 4
Four corner cancellations of Madras on Block of Four stamps
Freedom from Hunger - Design-2
21 March 1963
15np x 3
Two up and down cancellations of Madras on strip of three stamps affixed cross way
Freedom from Hunger - Design-3
21 March 1963
15np x3
Four centre cancellations of New Delhi on strip of two
Red Cross Centenary
08 May 1963
15np x 3
Two up and down cancellations of Madras on strip of three stamps affixed cross way
Defence Effort
15 August 1963
15np x 4
Four corner cancellations of Madras on Block of Four stamps
Dr. (Mrs.) Annie Besant
01 October 1963
15np x 3
Two up and down cancellations of Madras on strip of three stamps affixed cross way
Wild Life Preservation - Design-1
07 October 1963
10np, 15np, 30np, 50np, 1re
Five stamps affixed artistically with three horizontal stamps on upper side and two vertical stamps on lower side with centre cancellation of Bangalore
Wild Life Preservation - Design-2
07 October 1963
5np, 10np, 30np, 50np, 1re
Five stamps arranged in "Wall decorating photo frame format" in two lines with five cancellations of Calcutta GPO
Children's Day - Design-1
14 November 1963
15np x 3
Two up and down cancellations of Madras on strip of three stamps affixed cross way
Children's Day - Design-2
14 November 1963
15np x 2
Four centre cancellations of New Delhi on strip of two
Children's Day - Design-3
14 November 1963
15np x 2
Four corner cancellations of Madras on horizontal strip of two stamps affixed in centre
15th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 December 1963
15np x 3
Two up and down cancellations of Madras on strip of three stamps affixed cross way

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