Home Creative Philately Unique Dates of New Millennium
Unique Dates of New Millennium
Unique Dates of New Millennium

In the beginning of new millennium, the first twelve years i.e. years of 2000 to 2012 gave us an important opportunity of interesting dates depending on its date order format.

However, the world has many date order formats that are used to write down the numerical form of calendar dates that can cause confusion when used in international correspondence, especially when the year is abbreviated into its final two digits. Some of the common formats are:

Month/Day/Year - MM/DD/YYYY - Mostly used in North America.
Day/Month/Year - DD/MM/YYYY - Mostly used in the Europe and India
Year/Month/Day - YYYY/MM/DD - Mostly used in the China

In general, the years 2000 - 2012 have many interesting patterns in the calendar date.

Many find that calendar dates such as

Repeating or Repetitive dates like 01/01/01 orĀ  20/10/2010

Palindrome (reversible) dates like 01/02/2010

Sequential dates like 01/02/03

all have a significant characteristic that makes them unique and interesting, and even hold a deeper meaning.

It is also important to note that the two-digit number for the day and month can be represented by a single one-digit number if it is between the numbers one (1) and nine (9). Moreover, the four-digit number for the year may be represented by a two-digit number.

Sub Categories

Repeating Dates
Repeating dates of the same sequence or number has become...
Sequential Dates
Sequential calendar dates occur when the date is read...
Palindrome Dates
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence...

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