Palindrome Dates
Palindrome Dates

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of symbols or elements, whose meaning may be interpreted the same way in either forward or reverse direction. A Palindrome number is a number whose digits, with decimal representation usually assumed, are the same read backward, for example, 5885.

Palindrome calendar dates are dates that can be read backward and forward (symmetrical) in its numerical date format. These types of dates can have many variations due to the many types of date order format.  The most common date order format used to find palindrome dates is M(M)/(D)D/YYYY where it allows you to use a single digit (when applicable) for the month and day.

There are some dates that have more than one palindromic form such as September 29, 1929. This date can be written in three different ways:

Without the year - 9/29 (9-2-9)
With the year abbreviated - 9/29/29 (9-2-9-2-9)
With the full year - 9/29/1929 (9-2-9-1-9-2-9)

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1-1-11 - Palindrome (reversible) Dates
01 January 2011
As 1st January is a New Year Day, stamps of Happy New Year are use along with legends Happy New Year in Hindi and English. Interestingly, on left and right sides of the cover date 1-1-11 are shown making two sides of Bracket.
11-11-11 - Palindrome (reversible) Date - Design-1
11 November 2011
Ramcharan Agarwal FDC - Cancellation of 11-11-11 on stamp of Rs. 5
11-11-11 - Palindrome (reversible) Date - Design-2
11 November 2011
Private cover made with cachet of Indian Currency notes of all denominations having number 111111. Cancellation of 11-11-11 - 'Hazar Varsho Mein Ek Baar (Once in Millennium)' is on Rs 5 stamp...Another very interesting feature of the cover is that it shows the scan of the Railway Ticket which shows Ticket Travel Date : 11-11-11 & Ticket Dep. Time : 11-11

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