Repeating Dates
Repeating Dates

Repeating dates of the same sequence or number has become more common since the year 2001, especially since the year can be abbreviated into the last two-digits. The year 2011 holds many interesting dates such as January 1, 2011 (01/01/11 or 1.1.11) where the date can be read the same in both date order formats (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY).

The year 2011 will have many interesting repeating dates such as January 11, 2011 (1.11.11), November 1, 2011 (11.1.11) and November 11, 2011 (1.11.11). These dates only consist of the number one and may cause some confusion when written in its numerical form.

The calendar date can also be read in a repeating sequence such as a sequence of three numbers that are repeated twice or a sequence of four numbers that are repeated twice. For example, in the date order format of MM/DD/YY the date of 10/31/03 consists of a sequence of three numbers (1-0-3) that is repeated twice (103-103).

In the format of DD/MM/YY, the date of October 20, 2010 has an interesting sequence in which the numerical abbreviation is 20/10/2010. This sequence consists of four numbers (2-0-1-0) that are repeated twice (2010-2010). These dates will become more seldom after the year 2013 because the number 13 is not a valid month.

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12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-9
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Satyajit Ray.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-8
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Satyajit Ray.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-9
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Clock. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on Five Rupee stamp.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-9
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Mathematical Instruments. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on Five Rupee stamp.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-8
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Robot. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on Five Rupee stamp.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-7
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Globe. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on Five Rupee stamp.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-6
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Astrological Signs. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on Five Rupee stamp.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-5
12 December 2012
Post Card - Cancellation of 12-12-12 on 25 paisa stamp shows Gujarat AIDS Control Society advertisement
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-4
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of 'A creative sketch of stamps released on 12th December in past years with symbolic cancellation of 12-12-12 in design of cachet'. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on 12 Gandhi Stamps of one Rupee each arranged in 4 rows having 3 stamps in each row
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-3
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Indian Currency notes of all denominations having number 121212. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on 12 Gandhi Stamps of one Rupee each which are arranged like steps.
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-2
12 December 2012
25p x 4, 50p x 2, 100x10
Private cover made with cachet of Indian Currency notes of all denominations having number 121212. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - ''Sahastrabdi Mein Ek Baar - Once in Millenium' is on 10 Gandhi Stamps of one Rupee each, 2 E V Ramasami stamps of 50 paise each and 4 Nehru stamps of 25 paise each. The total of stamps used is Rs 12 and they are arranged in shape of No. 12
12-12-12 - Repeating Date - Design-1
12 December 2012
Private cover made with cachet of Indian Currency notes of all denominations having number 121212. Cancellation of 12-12-12 - 'Once in Millennium' is on 12 Gandhi Stamps of one Rupee each.

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