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Dioramas presenting Landmark Events of Mahatma Gandhi's Life
Dioramas presenting Landmark Events of Mahatma Gandhi's Life
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Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-1
30 January 2017
STEALING AND ATONEMENT, 1883 - Once Mohan stole a bit of Gold, but it weighed heavily on his conscience. He made a confession to his father and asked for punishment. Sincere repentance won Mohan his father's affection.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-2
30 January 2017
NURSING HIS AILING FATHER, 1884-85 - During five long years of his father's illness, Mohan nursed him and listened to discussion on different faiths.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-3
30 January 2017
SEEKING MOTHER'S PERMISSION TO GO ABROAD, 1888 - Mohan's mother consented going to England for further studies only after he took a vow not to touch wine, women & meat.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-4
30 January 2017
VICTIM OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, 1893 - On a complaint by a white passenger, M.M.Gandhi, Barrister-at-Law was thrown out of the first class railway compartment at Maritzburg in South Africa. This incident changed the course of his life.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-5
30 January 2017
THE EPIC MARCH, 1913 - Hundreds of Indians marched from New Castle to Transvaal as a protest against £3 tax. Their leader Gandhi was arrested three times in four days but they continued the march.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-6
30 January 2017
RETURN OF THE HERO, 1915 - On their return from South Africa after 21 years, Gandhi and Kasturbai were given an imposing reception in Bombay. People spontaneously addressed Gandhi as 'Mahatma' the great soul.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-7
30 January 2017
STAIN OF INDIGO, 1917 - Gandhi espoused the cause of the oppressed peasants on the indigo plantation in Bihar and launched his first civil disobedience movement in India.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-8
30 January 2017
THE JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE, 1918 - Gandhi investigated into the attrocities committed by General Dyer on a peaceful gathering at Amritsar, killing 375 and injuring 1000 and more unarmed, unwarned people.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-9
30 January 2017
DEATH OF LOKMANYA TILAK, 1920 - All classes and communities of people participated in the funeral procession of BalGangadhar Tilak in Bombay. Gandhi said, "A giant among men has fallen."
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-10
30 January 2017
BONFIRE OF FOREIGN CLOTH, 1921 - Gandhi inaugurated the campaign for the boycott of foreign cloth by kindling an immense bonfire in Bombay for economic emancipation of India.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-11
30 January 2017
THE GREAT TRIAL, 1922 - Gandhi was tried for sedition, in March. Pleading guilty he said, "I hold it to be a virtue to be disaffected towards a government which has done more harm to India that any previous system." He was sentenced to six years' imprisonment.
Dioramas presenting Gandhi - Design-12
30 January 2017
KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES - The inhuman destruction of village-industries was corroding Gandhi's heart. He believed that their restoration alone would feed the hungry millions.

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