The Department of Post again came out with a two line inscription "INDIA-89 World Philatelic Exhibition, 20-29 January, 1989 New Delhi " in Hindi and English on sheet margin to popularize/publicize the "INDIA-89" International stamp exhibition. This inscription also Spreads out on full margin and found on both sides of the issued sheets. The following stamps are being found with India-89 inscription.
1. 3-11-88 - Times of India 150 p
2. 11-11-88 - Abdul Kalam Azad 60 p
3. 14-11-88 - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 60 p
4. 14-11-88 - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 100 p
5. 5-12-88 - Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah 60 p
6. 30-12-88 - K.M. Munshi 60 p
7. 2-1-89 - Harekrishna Mahtab 60 p
8. 2-1-89 - Mannathu Padmanabhan 60 p
9. 10-1-89 - Lok Sabha Secretariat 60 p
10. 11-1-89 - Lucknow Museum 60 p
11. 20-1-89 - Baldev Ramji Mirdha 60 p
12. 13-4-89 - Saifuddin Kitchlew 60 p
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